Monday, November 24, 2008

You are spending the Thanksgiving Break in Arizona. You decide to go hiking at the Grand Canyon to cross another thing off your life to-do list.
You stumble across this canyon...and give thanks for being able to see something this beautiful in person.

And feel at peace while watching the sunset.

What would you wear to hike in the Grand Canyon?

Posted by Abby

Don't Know When I'll Be Back Again...

travel by wwywblog this outfit is all over the place, but i enjoy so many of the little parts...
I love the sleek jacket paired with the flirty top...I am in love with patterned tights (although these are a little bland...I am currently digging on the colorful ones the most!) Flat shoes for comfortable hiking through the airport..and easy slipping on and off on the plane. And I had to include the classic suitcase image :) Wouldn't that be fun to use as a carry on!?!

Posted by Abby

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

...When You are Leaving on a Jet Plane

The holidays have arrived and you need to take a cross-country trip to visit family on one of the busiest travel days of the year

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Remember the old days, when airline travel was something people dressed for...

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People dressed up. There was luxury and importance to travel. I mean, you would even get some warm nuts and a scotch and soda with your flight...

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Nowdays, we have removed the flash and it's more safety and rules. But, they can whittle away a lot but they cannot remove all luxuries from air travel...

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Afterall, this is your seatmate.

What would you wear for a cross country air trip during the holidays?
Posted by Steph

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Steph's Fabulous Dream Dinner

Ah, I have thought long and hard on the invitees to my dream dinner, so I'm pleased to now be given a chance at the outfit. I would wear a classic black dress, with an unexpected twist of lace and drama on the shoulder, paired with black booties. Simple black tear drop earrings and a showy cocktail ring would set off my perfect outfit for my perfect evening of sparkling conversation, witty banter, and after dinner songs. We find a hidden bistro in the Lower East Side where we could sit and relax and nibble on salt baked trout (my favorite place: ) During dinner, Tina Fey would make everyone laugh, Billy Joel would play the piano between courses, Hillary Clinton would share insider political stories while Aaron Sorkin took copious notes for his next brilliant screenplay...and Ira Glass...every good party needs the eyecandy and Ira Glass would be mine, he would also have to sign my boobs before he was excused (that also explains the Sharpies).

Posted by Steph

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

...To Your Dream Dinner Party

You are hosting a dinner party with five of your favorite famous people. You have hired the hottest chef...

Set a gorgeous scene...
...and had your piano tuned in hopes that a special guest will tickle your ivories...
But what do you wear?
What would you wear to your fantasy dinner party?

Posted by Abby

Monday, November 10, 2008

Abby's Masterpiece Wear

art by wwywblog

I would wear my comfy old paint shirt, my favorite, oldest jeans, cheerful yellow sneaks and tie a bandanna over my hair to try and keep the inevitable paint smear out. I can't wait to paint my masterpiece!!

Posted by Abby

Thursday, November 6, 2008

To Paint Your Masterpiece...

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You have new paint

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A well-worned board

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and your Tabula Rasa...

You are inspired. The world is shining for you lately. You need to share your feelings of possibilities and hope in a perfect masterpiece that will bring tears to the eyes of embittered old men. But before you can transcend the world to that higher plane just by the mere sight of your work, you need to pick out the perfect clothes to undertake such a task.

What do you wear to paint your masterpiece?

Posted by Steph

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Steph's Open Mic Poetry Reading

When I think of Open Mic Poetry reading, I immediately think of the Beatnik generation. I'd dress the part of a beatnik for my word debut. Pedal pusher pants and a tight turtleneck with hair slung into a low pony-tail and accented with a proper beret. I'd carry the symbol of the Obama campaign covertly in my pocket, as he is the inspiration for my sudden wordiness. I'd read my favorite passage from Kerouac before taking the stage, where it a fit of dramatics, I'd unroll my scroll, grab my feather-topped pen and allow my words to pour out.

Posted by an Inspired Steph

...To Open Mic Night

You were so inspired by the words and cadence of the new President Elect that you found yourself composing poems frenzidly with your magnetic poetry set.

When you shared them with friends, they were surprised to find that they are good! Really good! So they convince you to attend open mic nite at your favorite coffee shop.

So what do you wear to introduce the world to the creative inner workings of your mind?

What would you wear to open mic nite?

Posted by Abby

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Abby's Voting Outfit

Voting outfit by wwywblog

To make sure that I didn't get mistaken for a stuffy republican, I would dress very bohemian. :) I love my comfy, cable knit flats that will ensure that my feet don't get tired if I have to wait a long time to vote. And purple accents add a subtle splash of color.

Posted by Abby

Monday, November 3, 2008

...To Vote!

Finally, the big day has arrived. After what feels like the longest election season in the history of the world, you get to cast your ballot and let your voice be heard. Aren't you glad you live in a swing state? Your vote really counts. Your polling place may be swarming with eager reporters covering this national story. You want to look your best in case you are used in any of the voting footage...remember...

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Your clothes shouldn't clash with this kind of stuff, or the news media will never use your beautiful image...

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You will want to stand out in the crowd...

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And don't forget to wear cute shoes, the voting machines don't hide much these days...

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Plus you will want to wear something that showcases the most important part of your outfit, the cute American sticker that shows you are a true patriot!

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Finally, I think you should always keep this motto in mind...Voting is Sexy.
So what do you wear when you cast your ballot in your important swing state and take part in this historic election?
Post by Steph, who has already proudly cast her ballot in her own swing state for Obama!