Monday, November 3, 2008

...To Vote!

Finally, the big day has arrived. After what feels like the longest election season in the history of the world, you get to cast your ballot and let your voice be heard. Aren't you glad you live in a swing state? Your vote really counts. Your polling place may be swarming with eager reporters covering this national story. You want to look your best in case you are used in any of the voting footage...remember...

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Your clothes shouldn't clash with this kind of stuff, or the news media will never use your beautiful image...

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You will want to stand out in the crowd...

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And don't forget to wear cute shoes, the voting machines don't hide much these days...

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Plus you will want to wear something that showcases the most important part of your outfit, the cute American sticker that shows you are a true patriot!

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Finally, I think you should always keep this motto in mind...Voting is Sexy.
So what do you wear when you cast your ballot in your important swing state and take part in this historic election?
Post by Steph, who has already proudly cast her ballot in her own swing state for Obama!

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