Friday, October 31, 2008

Abby and Cooper's Costumes

Vampire by wwywblog

I tried to get Cooper to do his own costume, but he didn't want to do a costume at all...mumbled something about being g-hey like Ken, so I made him wear a skeleton t-shirt and be my vampy minion. I, being completely embroiled in the Twilight series of books right now, chose to dress as a vampire. I got stunning gold contacts to wear, beautiful realistic fangs (even though they don't really have fangs in the book...but no one would know what I was otherwise) and donned the obligatory black, whore clothes. :) I powdered my skin to match yours and I also brought a red sharpie to give people "bite marks". Watch out Bo-Peep!! You look tasty!!!!

Posted by Abby

Steph and Kennedy's Halloween Costumes

I love charity events, but I don't love being scared. So I'd dress as a friendly and cute Little Bo Peep, complete with pink boys, blonde wig, and grown-up Mary Janes. My little man, Kennedy, would be my sheep, complete in a shearling coat. We will raise tons of money for charity and hope to see you and Cooper there! What are you guys wearing? Happy Halloween!

Posted by Steph

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

...To a Halloween Charity Event

You are attending the ASPCA's Halloween Gala. Your gallent date, Kennedy, also needs a costume. What will the two of you wear? Will it be a couples costume? Or will you each fly solo?

What would you (and your dog) wear to a Halloween event?

Posted by Abby

Monday, October 20, 2008

Abby's Puddle Jumping Gear

creek ware by wwywblog

Ahh...this brings back memories! Although instead of being barefoot like I was as a little girl, I will wear some high rubber boots with a fleece lining. Knee high socks, worn in jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt topped with a plaid shirt and a quilted vest. A cheeky hat keeps my head warm and the earrings can be used as a fishing lure if needed ;) Explore a Local Creek?

The field research team at The Ohio State University is conducting a sampling of local creeks. Your name has been referred to them as someone interested in the health of rural water passageways. They have asked you to join their team (and here you thought the only team OSU had was on the football field, maybe you can learn to love this university afterall) and spend a day exploring a local creek collecting water samples and looking for signs of life.

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This is the creek you are going to help research

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As you walk downstream, you come upon a small foot bridge you must cross

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After crossing you arrive at the spot where you are to secure water samples and look for wildlife

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Jackpot! You pick up some crawdaddies as they scramble around in your hands.

What would you wear to spend a day exploring a creek?

Posted by Steph

Steph's Irish Countryside Clothes

For a day tracing family roots and drinking Irish beer, I'd be sure to be prepared. I'd wear sturdy, but adorable wellies to handle the moss and mud as I explored the old land. I would need a warm cable-knit jumper to help fight the Gaelic chills and thick tights to keep my legs warm. I'd want to explore the land on two wheels to better breathe in the country air and really feel the magic of the land. I'd be sure to tote a messenger bag with camera, map, and a weathered copy of a James Joyce novel. I would greet all with a rowdy "Top of the morning to ya..." as I pedaled past them and smile as they replied "...and the rest of the day to you."

Posted by: Steph

Sunday, October 19, 2008

...On a Perfect Irish Day?

You have arrived at your inn in Kilarney, your first stop on your trip to research your family tree.

You go to the county records office which is in a lovely old house with a thatched roof. A little old lady with a thick brogue and a mischievous twinkle in her eye brings you a cup of tea and adds another log to the fire that is keeping away the chill.

Your search shows that your great great great grandfather grew up a half hour drive from the town and you head out to take a look and there is still a run down little building on the property, but no one lives there anymore, so you take some pictures and head back to town.
You go to the pub for a pint and some lamb stew that is served with a crusty roll. mmm...

A couple of people pick up some instruments and start playing some drinking songs. You remember the words from your nana singing them and join in :)

What would you wear to have a perfect Irish day?

Posted by Abby

Friday, October 17, 2008

Abby's Yoga Outfit

I would wear, comfy, soothing colored clothes. Stretchy black pants, a light blue tank and a cute jacket to throw over on my way in and out. My mat matches the rest of my outfit...I almost make myself sick.... :)
I heart my yoga shoes, I wish I could wear them everywhere! I also brought along a water bottle, my favorite granola bar for a snack afterwards and advil, because I am sooo not bendy.
And the image in the background is the happy place I go to in my mind while meditating :)
Posted by Abby

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 a Yoga Class?

The world is crazy. It spins past you. Faster and faster everyday. You feel yourself age and grow weary from hours of sitting under fluorescent lights, stagnant at a desk. You need to recharge. Do something healthy. Feel more alive. You decide to take on yoga.

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Your workout space is large and calming

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You join your friends for some mindful meditation before your session begins

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You bend and stretch and open up your chakras

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You center and find you by the end

What would you wear to a yoga class?

Posted by Steph

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Steph's Fire-Hot Outfit

I know what you are thinking..."Steph, you would wear a skirt to sit around a fire with friends?" and then I want you to think about who you are talking to and realize the answer is a "duh!" I would wear a cozy cable knit sweater, brown tights and cute plaid skirt with chocolately soft leather boots. I would stop in Amish Country on my way and pick up homemade pumpkin whoopee pies (because even in this fantasy world, I can't imagination isn't that big!). I would also bring along a bag of chestnuts to roast on the open fire and a game of Scrabble, which would start innocently enough until you turn your back and I add a lot of rum to your spiced cider and then we start spelling our most lascivious words. The shame our vocabularies would bring to our parents. They aren't invited to this party.

Posted by Steph

firestarter by wwywblog

...To a First Fire Party?

You are driving to my house for my first annual "First Fire" party. It is a crisp, cold day and you are admiring the gorgeous leaves that are at their peak. Just then, a few snowflakes start drifting early snow!! It doesn't stick, but the contrast of the white flakes with the vibrant leaves is making gorgeous scenes in your windshield.

You arrive at my house and are greeted with some mulled cranberry apple cider. (There might be a little Captain Morgan's in it...)

We head to the kitchen to make caramel apples. Ours don't turn out as pretty as these...but we still can't wait to eat them!

As it gets dark, we head into the living room to start the fire. It catches on the first try!! (Its my lucky day!) We sit around, drinking mulled cider, munching on caramel apples and trying to top each other's absurd stories. We attempt to make some popcorn in the fire, but it was good for some laughs though!

As the fire dies out, we are sleepy and decide that we are too we chug a redbull and head out to the bars!
What would you wear to my first annual First Fire party?
Posted by Abby

Monday, October 13, 2008

Abby's Clam Bake Outfit

Clam bake by wwywblog

Oooh!! I have always wanted to go to a clambake...I hope I do everything right! I'd be so nervous about getting everything ready that I would wake up waaaay too early and be completely ready by 11 AM. So I would take the opportunity to frolic in the water in my cute new, retro inspired, cutout bathing suit. Sunscreen, spf lipgloss and a cute hat would protect me from the sun. I would put on my capri's and sleeveless shirt to finish getting ready for the party. I brought my ipod and speakers for background music during dinner and citronella candles to keep away the bugs. After dinner, I would put on my sweater to keep away the chill after the sun goes down, and spread out a blanket to curl up on next to the fire. A talented friend would entertain us by playing songs while we made smores and sang along.

Posted by Abby

Sunday, October 12, 2008

...To a New England Clam Bake?

You live on the Cape and spent the morning "clamming" in order to host a proper clam bake this evening.

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This is the spot of your clam bake

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And this is the spread for your guests

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Your guests will marvel at the succulent clams

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As the sun starts to set, a bonfire is built

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You toast marshmallows and make smores for dessert

What would you wear to a proper New England beachside clam bake?

Posted by Steph

Steph's PTA Clothes

My PTA Outfit would demonstrate immediately that I am in the mom crowd. I am one of them. They can trust me to make the choices that will coddle and protect their special treasures. I would start with classic "mom jeans" and a garish sweater because Cameron gave it to me for Christmas. A proper headband with pearls show I am predictable and cliched. Just the thing you want in a PTA President. In my simple brown bag, I would have crayons and coloring books to entertain the children, car keys to my mini van and a day planner so I could keep track of Cameron and Maddy's overscheduled life full of soccer practices, ballet classes, and art trips.

Posted by Steph

pta clothes by wwywblog

Saturday, October 11, 2008

...To a PTA Meeting

You are the perfect wife and devoted mother. You have 2 beautiful kids that are always perfectly behaved, impeccably groomed and are smart, creative and athletically talented.

You are very involved in their school and have decided to run for PTA President. Tonight is the meeting that you will announce your intentions and give your impassioned speech about how the playground isn't safe enough for your little Cameron and Madison and how the school should switch over to all organic food in the cafeteria. What do you wear in order to make them understand how seriously you take your platform and still not tarnish your perfect Stepford Wife image?

What would you wear to the PTA meeting?

Posted by Abby

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Abby's Gallery Crawl

After arriving on my Vespa, with my scarf trailing behind me in the wind, I would take off my helmet and shake out my hair into prefect waves. I'd stroll through the galleries, admiring the talent on show, wishing I could do something as creative and amazing. I'd chat with one artist who wondered where I bought my sweet, thigh-high boots and then I'd buy my favorite piece and pay in all origami animals :)
Posted by Abby

...To an Art Walk

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You are going to enjoy a night amongst the local artists and hipsters at the monthly Art Hop

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You will walk the streets of a historic neighborhood in the heart of the city, surrounded by beautiful old churches and charming art galleries...

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You will explore galleries like this...

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And sip wine and nibble cheese like this...

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You may decide to stop in a local bar and listen to some live music during your stroll

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And end the stroll at a pedestrian bridge, where you can star gaze and dance and relish in the cool night air.

What would you wear to a hip night spent strolling art galleries and listening to local musicians?

Posted by Steph

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Steph's Debate Moderator Clothes

To moderate a great VP debate, I'd start with a smart black tweed skirt and pearls with a blazer that has a hint of color so I look great on TV. I would appear the unbiased professional, but I'd wear personal underoos emblazen with the democrat logo and a naughty punny phrase. Because I would be seated behind a moderator's desk, my shoes would go unseen by "my friends" at home, so I could go with function over form. That means, I'd need to wear tall boots to avoid stepping in the ca-ca the candidates would sprew, with steel toes in case I need to kick one in the behind. My dark sunglasses would mask my eye-rolls, my mega-phone would enable me to speak out if the candidates became unruly. I would also tote a large bag filled with ear muffs when I just can't take anymore empty promises and a ruler to slap the hands of liars. I would wear a stop-watch to give equal time and a whistle around my wrist to blow when time expired.

Oh, what's the bucket for...well, it's been said a Vice President is worth about as much as a bucket of warm spit. I'd like to have a prop sit on my desk as a subtle reminder of each candidate's perceived importance when their hubris takes them too far.

I expect the networks to call anyday to book me for the next VP debate.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

...To Moderate the VP Debate?

You were asked to moderate the Biden-Palin debate. What should you wear for your national television debut? Do you wear your Democrat donkey under-roos? Do you wear a Steph mask to hide your astonishment and laughs at Palin's absurd drivel?

What would you wear to moderate a Vice Presidential debate?

Posted by Abby

Abby's "Kid" Grabbing Costume

No, I am not stealing children in this outfit..just trying to nab me a New Kid ;)
I would wear a subtly sexy outfit with vintage overtones to remind the good men of NKOTB that a mature woman is like a fine wine...aged to perfection....the demure neckline hints at the treasures I hide below, the quaint patent leather T-straps are tasteful and sexy...the vintage heart earrings telegraph the deep and abiding love we could share...the rose ring is a romantic gesture...the thigh-highs are a throwback to simpler times..when a lady was a lady...or...

......or, if I really wanted to get their attention, i would wear the outfit on the right :)
Posted very hastily by Abby a New Kids on The Block Concert?

When you were 10, you had this poster hanging on your wall...

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Yummy! You thought as you planned your grown-up life with Joey...but you got old, NKOTB disappeared and you accepted the sad reality of life as a grown-up.

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But life is ok. You moved to a cool city with a big concert venue in the heart of downtown. A concert venue that often attracts hot acts...

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You will soon be in the Q arena, watching a show like this. But not just any show...

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New Kids on The Block

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And suddenly you realize, grown-up life isn't sad. Your fantasties can still come true, only now things are legal! Good, fun things like this...

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And this!

Now you need the perfect outfit to draw attention to yourself from the throngs of screaming 30 year old women so that the NKOTB will notice you. Will pull you up on stage. Will sing to you about Hanging Tough. And finally you will get to marry a New Kid.

What would you wear to a New Kids on The Block Concert?

Posted by Steph

Steph's Ghost Busting Uniform

Just because it's dark and creepy, doesn't mean I need to be. As a ghost detective, I'd need a good detective trench coat, hat, and gloves to really do my job well. I'd watch Ghost Busters prior to venturing off as part of my continuing education in the field. I would use a modified lobster trap to capture the ghosts to take back to my lab where I would hope to rehabiliatate them, teaching new non-haunting skills like using their powers to mop my floors. And while I ain't afraid of no ghosts, it can't hurt to wear good luck jade earrings and a charm bracelet as my own special talismans.

Posted by Steph